We want to connect and hope you will join us, here is what we do:
Promote building a community of CCNY architecture alumni. The AAG is a social outlet: we encourage you to see your fellow alumni in person! And on LinkedIn and Facebook too. Keep in touch with class/studio-mates, friends from other years and programs, and of course, professors.
Keep alumni current with what is happening at the school now. With positive changes always happening at CCNY, it's inspiring to stay connected.
Facilitate connection with current students (the future alumni!) Give back to students by serving as a mentor. The AAG orchestrates mentoring nights several times a year for current students, and it's a great way to share your experiences with people who will one day be in your shoes. You can even earn IDP as a mentor.
Promote and host networking opportunities for alumni and current students. The AAG sponsors events like boat rides, tours and theater nights. CCNY has produced top talent architects for over fifty years and the AAG wants us all to discover this vast community of colleagues.
Display alumni accomplishments and celebrate successes. We can build our architecture school through name recognition. The more alumni that can demonstrate the high caliber of CCNY, the better for us all. We encourage recent graduates to prepare for professional certification by offering our library of study material for the ARE and LEED exams.
Gather alumni contact info: sign up here!
Consider a membership to the Alumni Association. Throughout the year, a membership pays for itself with access to the Spitzer School's library, CCNY Alumni events, discounts city-wide and on AAG events.